Financial Education Curriculum For Children: Easy To Use Structure For School Or Home Ed

Financial literacy for children is so important to me, (and clearly it is to you, too!) and I have always wanted to put together a curriculum.

An entire financial literacy curriculum with all of the accompanying media and worksheets is going to take some time to put together, especially one that covers all the different stages of learning.

So, for the time being, I have decided to put together a financial education framework for ages 5-13. Depending on where your child or children are at, you can choose the elements in each curriculum that work for you.

I highly recommend bookmarking this page, as I will periodically update it with worksheets, videos, books etc. that I produce to support and build out this curriculum so it can be a truly valuable resource not just for home edders alike, but for schools teachers who have the power and desire to equip their class with knowledge most of us again late in life (if at all!)

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Financial Education Curriculum Outline For 2nd Grade/ Year 3

This is another basic and fun overview of a financial education curriculum structure for 2nd grade / Year 3 classes. It can be adapted for any country as the concepts are the same.

Simply amend the currency and plan your lessons accordingly. Try to include as many worksheets and stories as you can.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Money

  • What is money? Money is a tool that we use to buy things that we need or want. It can be in the form of coins, bills, or even digital money like debit cards or online payment systems.
  • How do we earn money? There are many ways to earn money. Some people earn money by working at a job, like a doctor, teacher, or farmer. Others earn money by selling things they make, like art or food.
  • How do we use money? We use money to buy things we need or want, like food, clothes, or toys. We also use money to pay for things like rent, electricity, or water.

Lesson 2: Different Types of Money

  • What are the different types of money? There are many different types of money. Some examples include cash, coins, bills, and digital money like debit cards or online payment systems.
  • What are the different values of money? Different types of money have different values. For example, a quarter is worth 25 cents, a dollar bill is worth 100 cents, and a ten dollar bill is worth 1000 cents.
  • How do we exchange money? We can exchange money at a bank, a store, or online. We can also exchange money with friends or family if we need to.

Lesson 3: Saving and Spending Wisely

  • Why is it important to save money? Saving money is important because it helps us have money for things we need or want in the future. It also helps us to be prepared for unexpected expenses, like a car repair or a doctor’s visit.
  • How do we save money? We can save money by setting aside some of the money we earn or receive as gifts. We can put our money in a savings account at a bank, in a jar at home, or in a piggy bank.
  • How do we spend money wisely? We can spend money wisely by thinking about whether we really need or want something before we buy it. We can also compare prices at different stores to find the best deal.

Lesson 4: Making Smart Financial Decisions

  • What is a financial decision? A financial decision is a choice we make about how to use our money. For example, we might decide to save our money or spend it on something we want.
  • How do we make smart financial decisions? We can make smart financial decisions by thinking about the long-term consequences of our choices. For example, if we save our money, we might be able to buy something we really want in the future.
  • What are some things to consider when making financial decisions? When making financial decisions, we should think about our goals, our budget, and the potential risks and rewards of our choices.

Lesson 5: Introduction to Investing

  • What is investing? Investing is the act of putting money into something with the hope of making a profit.
  • Why do people invest? People invest to grow their money and make it work for them. Investing can help people save for important goals, like buying a house or paying for college.
  • How do people invest? There are many different ways to invest, including buying stocks, bonds, or real estate. People can also invest in their own businesses or in the businesses of others.

Lesson 6: Types of Investments

  • What are stocks? Stocks are small pieces of ownership in a company. When people buy stocks, they become part owners of the company and can make money if the company does well.
  • What are bonds? Bonds are loans that people or companies make to each other. When people buy bonds, they are lending their money to the borrower. The borrower promises to pay back the loan with interest.
  • What is real estate? Real estate is land and the buildings on it. People can invest in real estate by buying a property and either living in it or renting it out to others.


  • Match the correct type of investment to the picture (e.g. stock, bond, real estate)
  • Circle the things that people invest in (e.g. companies, loans, properties)
  • Draw a picture of something you would like to save your money for. Explain how investing can help you reach your goal faster.

Financial Education Curriculum Outline For 3rd Grade/ Year 4

Lesson 1: Introduction to Money

  • Introduce the concept of money and its purpose
  • Discuss different forms of money, including coins, bills, and checks
  • Introduce the concept of earning money through work or chores

Lesson 2: Making Purchases

  • Discuss the importance of making smart purchasing decisions
  • Introduce the concept of budgeting and the importance of tracking expenses
  • Discuss the difference between needs and wants and the importance of prioritizing needs

Lesson 3: Saving and Investing

  • Discuss the importance of saving money for the future
  • Introduce the concept of interest and how it can help grow savings
  • Discuss different ways to invest money and the potential risks and rewards

Lesson 4: Protecting Your Money

  • Discuss the importance of keeping money safe and secure
  • Introduce the concept of a bank and how it can help protect money
  • Discuss the importance of using a password or PIN for online banking and other financial transactions

Lesson 5: Giving and Sharing

  • Discuss the importance of giving and sharing money with others
  • Introduce the concept of charitable giving and how it can make a difference in the community
  • Discuss the importance of being a responsible and compassionate consumer.

Financial Education Curriculum Outline For 4th Grade/ Year 5

  1. Understanding the value of money and how it is used in everyday life.
  2. Setting and achieving financial goals, such as saving for a toy or a trip.
  3. Identifying and comparing different types of money, such as coins, bills, and electronic payments.
  4. Learning about the importance of budgeting and spending wisely.
  5. Understanding the concept of earning and saving interest on money.
  6. Introducing the idea of credit and responsible borrowing.
  7. Exploring different careers and their associated salaries, as well as the importance of education and hard work in achieving financial success.
  8. Discussing the importance of charitable giving and community involvement.
  9. Introducing the concept of investing and the role of the stock market.
  10. Discussing the importance of financial planning and making smart financial decisions.

Overall, the goal of this curriculum would be to provide 4th graders/ year 5 with a basic understanding of money and how it works, as well as the importance of making smart financial decisions.

Covering these topics will produce thinkers who are better equipped to make informed financial choices throughout their lives.

Financial Education Curriculum Outline For 5th Grade/ Year 6

Lesson 1: Introduction to Money

  • Defining money and its role in our lives.
  • Different forms of money (cash, coins, checks, credit/debit cards)
  • Importance of saving and budgeting.

Lesson 2: Earning and Spending Money

  • Different ways to earn money (allowance, part-time jobs, chores)
  • Making responsible spending decisions.
  • Creating a budget and tracking expenses.

Lesson 3: Banking and Interest

  • Introduction to banks and the services they offer.
  • How to open a savings account and the importance of saving regularly.
  • Understanding the concept of interest and how it affects savings.

Lesson 4: Credit and Debt

  • Introduction to credit and how to use it responsibly
  • Understanding the risks and costs of credit and debt
  • Tips for avoiding excessive debt and managing credit wisely

Lesson 5: Investing and Saving for the Future

  • Introduction to different types of investments and how they work
  • Importance of saving for the future and setting financial goals
  • Introduction to retirement accounts and the importance of saving for retirement

Lesson 6: Scams and Fraud

  • Understanding common scams and how to protect yourself from them
  • Importance of being aware of online and in-person financial scams
  • Tips for avoiding falling victim to financial fraud.

Lesson 7: Money and Relationships

  • Money management strategies for couples
  • Financial challenges faced by young adults and how to overcome them
  • Tips for creating a healthy money mindset with your partner/family.

Lesson 8: Financial Success and Wellness

  • Strategies for achieving and maintaining financial success.
  • The relationship between money and wellness (mental, physical, emotional)
  • Tips for managing money in a healthy and productive way.

Financial Education Curriculum Outline For 6th Grade / Year 7

Lesson 1: Introduction to Money and Financial Literacy

  • What is money and why is it important?
  • The difference between needs and wants
  • The concept of budgeting and spending wisely

Lesson 2: Earning and Saving Money

  • How to earn money through allowance, chores, and part-time jobs
  • The importance of saving and setting financial goals
  • The concept of interest and how it can help grow savings

Lesson 3: Credit and Debt

  • The difference between credit and debit
  • How credit cards and loans work
  • The consequences of not managing debt wisely

Lesson 4: Investing and Planning for the Future

  • The basics of investing in stocks and bonds
  • The importance of planning for the future, including education and retirement
  • The role of financial advisors and how to choose the right one

Lesson 5: Protecting Your Money and Identity

  • The importance of security measures such as strong passwords and online privacy
  • The risks of online scams and identity theft
  • How to protect your financial information and assets

Lesson 6: Real-World Applications of Financial Literacy

  • Hands-on activities and discussions on applying financial concepts in everyday life
  • Understanding how to make informed financial decisions and avoid pitfalls
  • Developing a personal financial plan and setting achievable goals.

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